We get many call for our services this time of year, people looking to start new projects or add on to old ones. Many are just the type that fit our services, some are not. So how do you know if we are that company for you, or any company for that matter? What things will help set these service providers apart- the service they provide is a big one! In the landscape industry, however,  the companies vary greatly by the type of service they provide (grand design-build projects all the way down to lawn mowing- but  the categorizing of our industry is a topic for another day) We really start setting our self apart with our consultation, not a sales pitch.

Our consultation is time that we spend walking your property with you to see what you currently have, no matter if its an open site of new- construction or a old landscape looking for new life. As we walk the yard we can better understand the interaction of the house with the property, with the neighbors/neighborhood giving us the opportunity to make suggestions for better curb appeal, privacy or increased focus of views based on your goals and what part of the yard we are focused on. Many times we like to walk the entire year to see how we can tie into landscaping that may remain for years to come.

We listen to what you are expecting form the landscape, we don’t expect you to tell us the details of the patio or plantings you are looking for us to bid, but rather tell us how you want to use the spaces. Letting us know what entertaining do you do, how many people, how often, what activities, what furniture items are looking to have- this allows us to help create the space that will fit your needs best as that is how we feel outdoor spaces should be created: allow the space to fit the lifestyle.

Once we have seen what you have and talked about what you would like it to become, we can share with you on how it can get there. The how you can get there is now the way the patio fits the yard, the idea of the plantings filling the spaces they need, the lawn as vast or minimal ( or not at all for some)  just the space it needs to be.  We get a vision of your space starting in the minds eye, it starts to come to life and full of color! We explain and doodle ideas to help you grasp this concept of space that we are seeing with you, the big overall picture of what possibilities await for you.  As we see your space come to life we also can review the way it can be built, the order or phases and the budgets that it may take.  Budgets are important, as we can understand the possibility but now apply some reality, will we design for the end goal, or do we need to scale to meet a certain budget. For some clients we start with the budget up front as it is very important to design to the budget, for others looking for more design based spaces the budget is the result of the features included.

All of this is our process that can set us apart, as does our creative vision in how we apply the materials in plants, pavers, water, rocks, fire, lights and more. We know that you are looking to work with a professional landscape designer and want to know about us,  we answer any questions you may have before you meet us leaving the site visit to be about you.  The consultation isn’t for us to sell you on who we are, we can share all bout ourselves and out credentials over the phone or here on the website. This helps you be confident with our abilities before hand make the most of our time when we meet.

Our service so much more than just seeing a space, taking and order and writing it up, or a sales pitch telling you how great we are; we want to bring you a vision of what can be for you in your space.  Give us the opportunity and we can show you the possibility, call now to inquire if we are the right fit for you and your project.

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