I’m sure you are seeing signs of those darn rabbits gnawing on trees and shrubs. Well, rabbit damage is happening all over the place these days. Rabbits and other foraging creatures are hungry because the deep snow is making it difficult to find their normal winter food sources so instead they go for our shrub and tree bark for their sustenance. The problem with that is that once a tree or shrub is girdled by an animal (the bark is chewed off the lower branches or stems), the plant is going to be challenged to recover in the spring. The best strategy for preventing irreversible damage to your plants is to install barriers and use repellants to deter animal browsing during the winter.
If you have dense landscape plantings or woods nearby you may be seeing a bigger population of rabbits looking for food. Take action in the fall by wrapping your young trees with white plastic tree guards and protect smaller shrubs and evergreens by using a barrier like chicken wire or hardware cloth that is tall enough to protect even if the snow is deep.
For now, if you notice any damage to your plants along with rabbit droppings, it means they have found your plant to be a tasty treat but it may not be too late to save the plant. Start by installing a barrier and/or try using non-lethal repellents (there are plenty of choices at your nearest garden center) around your plants to deter continued rabbit damage.
Just a friendly reminder that our plant warranty does not cover damage by pests so be sure to take action to protect your landscape now and in the future.
Click here for more information about protecting your plants during the winter.